Wednesday, May 19, 2010

10 Day Challenge: Day 6

Today, I went for a drive. I found this very freeing because I had no specific destination. I stopped when I wanted to stop, I took whatever road I felt like taking.


Unknown said...

Good picture. Glad you weren't run over by all that traffic! Try that anywhere in CA and you would end up road kill!

Mom Nan said...

LOL, I was going to write basically what Dad did - "I hope you weren't taking this as you were being run over!"

Molly said...

nice DOF and dutch angle :) good thing you spend a lot of time in the middle of nowhere!

Anonymous said...

I think this is one of my new favorites!!!

p.s. I'm glad you weren't smashed by a car.

Kate said...


Insatiable said...

Extremely close second favorite! I love the repetition of lines and color. Great eye!